Sunday, December 9, 2012

Being Wonderstruck

It has been far too long since the last time I spent time at the burning least to blog about my experiences there.  The season I am in right now seems to suck every last minute away from me, but the work that is being done in my life right now is nothing short of amazing.  It is painful and hard sometimes, but all along the way little gifts come my way via books, Facebook, Twitter, and even in face to face conversation.  One of those is gifts has not yet been released to the public, but is already making an impact in my life.

My friend, Margaret Feinberg [], has a new book and 7-session DVD Bible study called Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God [],which releases Christmas Day. This is a personal invitation for you to toss back the covers, climb out of bed, and drink in the fullness of life. This book will turn your prayer life upside down, stir your desire to live more abundantly, and take your relationships with others to the next level. To learn more, watch the Wonderstruck Video: click here to view.

Margaret recently posted a great warning on her site that those who have read Wonderstruck []have experienced the following symptoms:

-An inability to stop smiling

-An uncontainable desire to pray

-A loss of interest in judging others

-A quiet, unshakable confidence in God

-A renewed ability to see the wonders of God all around

And from what I’ve seen, they’re all true! I wanted to share some thoughts that stuck out to me as I read a sneak peek of Wonderstruck:

I am in the thick of these moments right now.  Teaching too many hours, worried about keeping up my house, spending enough time with my kids and praising them rather than only offering correction...each of these things have been given to me as a gift and God is in the comments I return to my students, he is there when I wash the dishes (and he doesn't judgement when I don't), and he offers me grace to follow up the correction of little ones with lots of hugs and kisses.  When I intentionally see God in the wonders of each of these moments, then they are no longer the stressors of my life, they are moments to stand in wonder of a great God who saw fit to place himself in the midst of my mess.  They are opportunities to worship and wonder at all God is and who he wants to be in my life.

 I am so grateful for women like Margaret who write so honestly and passionately.  I am inspired in my own work because of her.  Her approach to this life and to the wonder of God and his work in us here and now is a great inspiration to me.

Follow Margaret’s snarky, funny, and inspirational posts on Twitter [], Facebook [], or her blog []. You can learn more about this great book by visiting where she’s offering some crazy promos right now with up to $300 of free stuff. I’ve seen the book for as low as $7.95 ($14.99 retail) on Barnes & Noble [] for all you savvy shoppers. 

1 comment:

Margaret Feinberg said...

Thank you so much for posting this! May you continue to #LIVEWONDERSTRUCK this Advent season!